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Agency specialized in Development Web

Design studio based in Barcelona

Agency specialized in web development

Our web development service offers you a professional, functional and secure website that adapts to all devices and complies with web standards.

We use the latest technologies and content management systems (CMS) to create your customized website, according to your needs and objectives. In addition, we provide technical support and preventive maintenance to ensure the proper functioning of your website.

From analysis to launch


We meet with the client to understand their project, objectives, requirements and expectations. We also conduct a market research and competition analysis to define the web design strategy and action plan.

Web development

We program the website using the most appropriate languages and tools for each project. We also integrate the contents, functionalities and management systems of the website.

Web design

We create the visual design of the website, taking into account the brand image, the target audience and current trends. We also defined the information architecture, sitemap and wireframe of the website.


We publish the website on the server and perform the final tests to make sure everything is working properly. We also offer a post-launch maintenance and support service to solve any doubt or incident.

Our web development methodology


Customer briefing

During the meeting with the client, we focus on understanding their needs and objectives for the project. Through questions and answers, we make sure we understand what you expect and seek to achieve with it. With this information, we create a customized and effective strategy that is tailored to your business needs and objectives.

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Analysis and strategy

In the strategy part, we analyze the information gathered in the briefing and conduct a detailed research of the market and competition. This allows us to develop a solid and effective work strategy that improves the client's connection with its customers and stands out in the market.

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Structure and wireframes

After developing the strategy, we defined the graphic style of the project through moodboards. We use visual and design resources to create images, colors and styles that reflect the client's identity and project direction. Moodboards are presented to the client for approval and are used as a guide in the design process. Defining the graphic style with moodboards allows us to ensure that the final design reflects the expected vision and objectives.

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Multiplatform Design

Our team of designers will work with attention to detail to create customized and effective designs that fit the needs and objectives defined above. During the design process, we maintain open communication with the client to ensure that we are on the right track and that the final design reflects their vision and goals.

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Web Programming

Our team of designers will work with attention to detail to create customized and effective designs that fit the needs and objectives defined above. During the design process, we maintain open communication with the client to ensure that we are on the right track and that the final design reflects their vision and goals.

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Testing, launch and support

After the design is completed and the client approves the final result, the next step is to deliver the final files. We ensure that the files are ready to print or use online, complying with the appropriate quality standards and formats. If necessary, we also provide guidance and technical support to help the customer use the final designs effectively.

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let’s start a new path to digital success

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Frequently Asked Questions

Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites that can be viewed and used over the Internet. Web development involves aspects such as programming, design, content, functionality and website optimization.

Front-end web development takes care of the visible part and the interaction of the website, i.e. how it looks and how it is used. Back-end web development deals with the hidden part and logic of the website, i.e. how it works and how it is managed.

Front-end web development uses languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create the structure, style and dynamics of the website. Back-end web development uses languages such as PHP, Python or Ruby to create the connection to the server, database and website applications.

The languages and tools used for web development depend on the type and complexity of the web project. Some of the most common languages and tools are:

  • HTML: it is the language that defines the structure and content of the web site.
  • CSS: is the language that defines the style and design of the website.
  • JavaScript: is the language that defines the interaction and dynamics of the website.
  • PHP: is the language used to create server-side web applications.
  • MySQL: is the most widely used database management system for storing and manipulating data on the web site.
  • WordPress: is the most popular content management system (CMS) for creating and managing websites quickly and easily.
  • Bootstrap: is a CSS framework that facilitates responsive and adaptive website design.
  • jQuery: is a JavaScript library that simplifies the manipulation of the DOM, events and animations on the website.
  • Angular: is a JavaScript framework that allows you to create dynamic, single-page web applications (SPA).

Different types of web projects can be developed according to the client’s needs and objectives, such as:

  • Corporate or institutional websites: these are websites that present the information and services of a company or organization.
  • Online stores or e-commerce: these are websites that allow products or services to be sold over the Internet.
  • Web applications or web apps: these are websites that offer a specific functionality to the user, such as a game, a calculator or a photo editor.
  • Blogs or media: these are websites that publish informative or entertaining content on a specific topic or theme.
  • Portfolios or resumes: these are websites that show the work or skills of a person or professional.

Having a professional and customized website has many benefits, such as:

  • Improving the image and reputation of your brand or business
  • Increase visibility and reach of your target audience
  • Generate trust and credibility in your potential customers.
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition and highlight your value proposition
  • Increase conversion, sales and revenues
  • Loyalty to your current customers and community building

To develop a web site, the following steps must be followed:

  • Define project objectives, requirements and expectations
  • Conduct market research and competitive analysis.
  • Design information architecture, sitemap and wireframe of the website
  • Program the web site using the appropriate languages and tools.
  • Integrate website content, functionalities and management systems

The performance of a website is measured using different tools and metrics, such as:

  • Loading time: the time it takes for the website to be fully displayed in the user’s browser.
  • Speed: the speed with which the website responds to the user’s actions.
  • Availability: is the ability of the website to be accessible and operational at all times.
  • Bounce rate: the percentage of users who leave the website after viewing a single page.
  • Page views: the number of pages that users visit on the website.

The performance of a website is optimized by applying different techniques and best practices, such as:

  • Reduce the size and number of files that make up the website, such as images, videos, scripts or style sheets.

  • Use a caching system that temporarily stores website files in the user’s browser or on an external server.

  • Minify and compress code files to remove unnecessary spaces and characters.

  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) service that distributes the website files to different servers located close to the users.

  • Periodically test and monitor website performance to detect and fix potential problems.

  • Web accessibility is the ability of a website to be used by all people, regardless of their physical, mental or sensory abilities or limitations. Web usability is the ease with which users can use a website to achieve their goals.

Web accessibility and usability are important because:

  • Improve users’ experience and satisfaction with the website

  • Broaden the reach and diversity of the website’s target audience

  • Compliant with international web design norms and standards

  • Improve the positioning and visibility of the website in search engines.

  • Avoid possible sanctions or lawsuits due to discrimination or legal non-compliance

The security and privacy of a website is ensured by using different measures and resources, such as:

    • Use a secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS) that encrypts communication between the server and the user’s browser.
    • Obtain an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate attesting to the authenticity and trustworthiness of the website.
    • Implement an authentication and authorization system that controls user access and permissions to the website.
    • Protect the website against computer attacks such as malware, phishing, spam or SQL injection.
    • Comply with current laws and regulations on personal data protection, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).
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