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Specialists in Drupal Web Development in Barcelona

Drupal Web Development Agency

Why Choose Us for Your Drupal Web Development?

Selecting a technological partner is crucial, and at Several.pro, we understand its significance. We not only offer Drupal web development but also accompany you in every phase of the project. With years of experience in the market and a robust portfolio, we have demonstrated our capability in projects for clients across various sectors.

Our developers are Drupal experts, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in the framework. By working with us, you’ll receive not just technical service but a tailor-made solution adapted to the specific needs of your business because we recognize that every project is unique.

Custom Web Development Experts

Custom Web Development with Drupal

Why Choose Drupal for Your Website?

Drupal has established itself as one of the most reliable and popular open-source web development frameworks. Drupal offers an elegant and expressive syntax that simplifies the writing of clean and readable code. This clarity not only speeds up the development process but also facilitates long-term maintainability.

Scalability in Web Development

Drupal’s impressive ability to adapt and scale is noteworthy. From small projects to complex enterprise systems, Drupal provides the tools and flexibility needed to grow along with the project’s demands.

Benefits of Custom Web Development with Drupal

Integrated Security

With Drupal, applications are built with robust security measures from the start, safeguarding valuable content and customer data.

Advanced Customization

While Drupal offers ready-made solutions, it also allows deep customization, ensuring the final application aligns with the client’s specific vision and requirements.

Continuous Support

Drupal is designed to be easy to maintain and update. This means that improvements and fixes are implemented swiftly, keeping the application fresh and functional.

Seamless Integrations

Drupal seamlessly integrates with various third-party tools and platforms, allowing the addition of additional features as per business needs.

Our Drupal Development Process


Customer briefing

During the meeting with the client, we focus on understanding their needs and objectives for the project. Through questions and answers, we make sure we understand what you expect and seek to achieve with it. With this information, we create a customized and effective strategy that is tailored to your business needs and objectives.

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Analysis and strategy

In the strategy part, we analyze the information gathered in the briefing and conduct a detailed research of the market and competition. This allows us to develop a solid and effective work strategy that improves the client's connection with its customers and stands out in the market.

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Structure and wireframes

After developing the strategy, we defined the graphic style of the project through moodboards. We use visual and design resources to create images, colors and styles that reflect the client's identity and project direction. Moodboards are presented to the client for approval and are used as a guide in the design process. Defining the graphic style with moodboards allows us to ensure that the final design reflects the expected vision and objectives.

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Multiplatform Design

Our team of designers will work with attention to detail to create customized and effective designs that fit the needs and objectives defined above. During the design process, we maintain open communication with the client to ensure that we are on the right track and that the final design reflects their vision and goals.

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Web Programming

Our team of designers will work with attention to detail to create customized and effective designs that fit the needs and objectives defined above. During the design process, we maintain open communication with the client to ensure that we are on the right track and that the final design reflects their vision and goals.

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Testing, launch and support

After the design is completed and the client approves the final result, the next step is to deliver the final files. We ensure that the files are ready to print or use online, complying with the appropriate quality standards and formats. If necessary, we also provide guidance and technical support to help the customer use the final designs effectively.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Drupal web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites using the Drupal content management system (CMS). Drupal is an open-source platform that enables the construction of flexible, scalable, and customized websites. It involves aspects such as programming, design, content management, and website optimization.

Drupal web development’s front-end focuses on the visible part and interaction of the website, while the back-end handles the logic and data management. The front-end uses technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to define the appearance and interactivity of the site, while the back-end uses PHP and other technologies to manage server logic and the database.

In Drupal web development, various languages and tools are used, including:

  • PHP: The primary language for back-end development in Drupal.
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Used to define the structure, style, and dynamics of the website.
  • MySQL: Database management system compatible with Drupal.
  • Twig: Template engine used in Drupal for theme creation.

With Drupal, different types of web projects can be developed according to client needs, such as:

  • Corporate or institutional websites.
  • Online stores or e-commerce.
  • News portals or blogs.
  • Online communities or social networks.
  • Educational platforms or e-learning.

The development of a Drupal website involves several steps:

  1. Define project goals and requirements.
  2. Install and configure Drupal according to needs.
  3. Design information architecture and site structure.
  4. Develop and customize themes and modules based on requirements.
  5. Integrate content and configure specific functionalities.

Measuring the performance of a Drupal website involves evaluating aspects such as:

  • Load time.
  • Response speed.
  • Site availability.
  • Bounce rate.
  • Page views.

Optimization includes practices like file minimization, efficient resource use, and implementing a caching system.

Accessibility in Drupal development refers to the website’s ability to be used by all people. Web usability focuses on making it easy for users to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently.

These aspects are important because they:

  • Improve the user experience.
  • Expand the audience and user diversity.
  • Comply with web design standards.
  • Contribute to the site’s visibility in search engines.
  • To ensure security and privacy in Drupal development, measures are implemented, including:

    • Use of HTTPS to encrypt communication.
    • Obtaining SSL certificates for authentication.
    • Implementation of authentication and authorization systems.
    • Protection against cyber attacks such as malware or phishing.
    • Compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR.
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