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Top web development trends 2022

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Standards in web development sometimes change faster than they can be implemented. To stay one step ahead, it is important to focus on trends, techniques and approaches that are gaining popularity.


We’ve analyzed trends across industries to create this definitive list of web development trends in 2022. Regardless of what your current interests are (market development, startup innovations or IoT inventions), you should be aware of these trends.


To simplify your search, save time and help your business grow into a new decade, here we have compiled some of the top trends you should be aware of as you grow a web business. Aim!



We are currently experiencing the dawn of the voice search era. All smartphones are already equipped with a digital voice assistant (Siri for iPhone, Google Assistant for Android phones). In addition, smart speakers equipped with artificial intelligence are gaining popularity.


But what is the reason behind this shift to voice interfaces?



Ease of use

Communication is something we don’t have to learn all over again. Therefore, children and the elderly can interact with voice interfaces without any learning curve.



Digital voice assistants are already a common feature of smartphones. Smart speakers are not yet that common, but a price starting at $50 is a great prerequisite for expansion.


The report says that “voice assistant usage reaches critical mass.” And this 2022, 37% of the total population already use voice assistants.

So consider applying it to your brand.


Voice search is one of the main trends in e-commerce. However, it is also applicable to all companies on the web. If you want your web application to be found, optimize it for voice search as soon as possible. Also, consider developing your own smart speaker app. This will give you one more channel to build a loyal audience and generate sales.


US Voice Assistants Users - Graphic



When creating a web application, performance is often compromised. JavaScript limitations slow down heavy computations and this significantly affects the user experience. This is why most popular games and powerful applications are only available as a native desktop application.


WebAssembly is here to change the game. This new format aims for native-like performance among web applications. With WebAssembly, code in any programming language can be compiled into bytecode that runs in a browser.


WebAssembly code runs faster than JavaScript. As a result, you can write the performance-critical parts of the application with the most suitable language (C/C++/C#/Rust/Kotlin, etc.). WebAssembly will take care of the execution in the browser. Native applications can be run in the browser out of the box. That means access to more users while delivering comparable performance on the web without additional development costs.


WebAssembly - Visual Explanation


Personalization of content through machine learning

Artificial intelligence, including machine learning, affects our daily activities on the Internet without us even recognizing it. This is the whole point of machine learning: to provide natively enhanced experiences.


Machine learning is the ability of software to improve performance without the direct involvement of developers. Basically, the software analyzes incoming data, detects patterns, makes decisions and improves its work.


Machine learning is becoming an important part of any web service. It is also important to integrate it into your services! Analyze the behavior of your website visitors and adjust the content displayed.



Data security

The more data a web application processes, the more attractive it becomes to cybercriminals. Their goal is to spoil your services and steal your users’ data or internal company information. This can cause great damage to your reputation and cost you a lot.


The security of your website must become a top priority. Therefore, to keep user data safe, take a look at these 4 tips:


  • Never neglect safety testing

Security testing can be performed during the development stage and can prevent data leakage. Every change to your web application must be explicitly tested.


  • Uses website monitoring tools

An algorithm can constantly monitor all requests, as well as detect and qualify suspicious activity. Timely notification allows your team to react instantly and protect the web application.


  • Choose third-party services carefully

SaaS software is becoming more popular as it makes application development easier and faster. However, you should make sure that the service provider you choose to work with is reliable.


  • Encrypts sensitive data

Even if the offender gets into your database, he will not be able to extract any use of the confidential data stored there.



Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Google prioritizes web applications that load quickly on mobile devices. That’s why you should consider implementing PWA or AMP, which are unique technologies that reduce web page load time.


A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web page that replicates a native mobile experience. It is fast, can work online or with a poor Internet connection and is relatively low cost. A PWA supports interactions, allowing users to enjoy a high-level experience without even realizing that they are still using the browser. E-commerce web applications are a common use case for this technology.




The history of app development began with smartphones, tablets and laptops, which are now so widespread that we can’t even imagine our day without them. These days, other smart devices, vehicles, smart watches and IoT system components are gaining their surprising popularity. Apps for mobile devices are a must; however, the fresh trend for app development is emerging. Welcome to the multiple experience: the way to allow users to use your application wherever they want: on a tablet, on smartwatches, in a car, etc. The goal is to create an application that looks good, works well and provides value on any device, in the same attractive and useful way.


In this decade, a web application you plan to produce must push the boundaries and run smoothly on every possible device and screen. It should be able to connect to sensors and provide advanced experience to people in the IoT era. By focusing on multiple user experience through a single web application, you get the opportunity to become one of the best companies in your niche.



Motion UI

Motion design is one of the major web design trends of the coming year. Minimalist design coupled with sophisticated interactions look good and attract the user’s attention.


Think page header transitions, nice floating buttons, animated graphics, background animations and modular scrolling. These and many other elements will help you showcase your unique style and entertain the user, improving behavioral factors and helping your web application rank higher in search results.



Micro frontends

Recently, microservices architecture has gained the preference of software developers worldwide: unlike old-fashioned, heavy and monolithic backends, this development style offers more flexibility and scalability. However, there are still complications with interfaces, and both enterprise and startup developers must deal with monolithic code bases that build a user interface.


A monolithic interface is not only difficult to support. It can also affect the overall quality of the project and become the obstacle on its way to success. Fortunately, one of the trends for 2022 shows us how to avoid a potential headache.


It can be difficult to chase trends, as they change so quickly. But why not give it a try?


By following the latest trends in web development, you can delight your users with a world-class experience, improve the ranking of your web application and open new markets for your services. In the coming years, voice search will strengthen its positions and force service providers to adapt to the new reality. By approaching it wisely, you can be among the first companies to reach your customers through voice search. Sounds good, doesn’t it?


The security of user data has been questioned for quite some time. This is an issue you cannot neglect if you want to be a market leader. By providing your web application users with multiple experiences, you increase your chances of becoming their number one choice. At the same time, if you meet their demands in a better way using ML algorithms, you will attract even more attention to the application.


Generally speaking, all the web trends of 2022 deserve your attention. Some of these will continue for the next decade, while others will become the norm in just a few months. Therefore, do not hesitate to start implementing them as soon as possible. Shall we talk?

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