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How to search for keywords and improve your SEO?

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The keywords you choose can make or break your SEO campaign.

If you choose the right keywords, you can create content that generates valuable organic search traffic. If people are not actually searching for the keyword you are ranking for, there is no point in using it.

This is because a keyword that no one is searching for will not generate traffic. Conversely, with the wrong keywords, your content will only generate low quality traffic or no traffic at all.

So, how do I choose the right keywords for SEO? We tell you in this article.


What are keywords?

Keywords are the terms that tell Google (or other SERP’s) about the subject matter of a website, e-commerce, post, etc. They are essential when it comes to positioning a content in search engines, for that reason it is very important to delimit effective keywords.

It is advisable to carry out a previous study and analyze the competition so that the keyword process goes according to your objectives.


Why is keyword research important?

Keyword research is the only way to know what people are searching for in search engines. The “magic” of SEO happens when we know exactly what people are looking for.

If we choose the right keywords, we will be able to be aware of our environment and our audience.


So where to start? Here are some tips:

1. Use keyword research tools.

There are many online tools available to view your competitors’ statistics. Use this to your advantage, as many third-party tools display the keywords your competitors are targeting to get more visitors and future customers.

One of the most popular free keyword research tools is Google Keyword Planner. This is a free keyword research tool that shows monthly search volume, relevant long tail keywords and search trends.

Popular and more advanced third-party tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs and Ubersuggest provide a more extensive list of possible long tail keywords and provide complete statistical information about the industry and keywords you are targeting.


2. Select the “right” keywords.

Use keyword tools to find popular keywords with high search volume and low keyword difficulty. (KD)

If the keywords are too general, such as “computer”, it will be too difficult for your content to rank realistically, as it has to compete with global corporations.

In addition, the traffic generated by these general keywords may not be the type of visitors you want to attract.

If the keywords are too specific, it will be easier to rank higher in the search engines, but they will also have such a low search volume that it is probably not worth spending time on their content.

Selecting the right keywords or phrases can help you dominate, stabilize and slowly increase your organic traffic from visitors searching for the same topics, products or services.


3. Remember, priority is key.

If you have made a list of phrases and keywords, now is the time to use them.

Prioritize your keyword list with the following ideas in mind: relevance, high search volume and low keyword difficulty. If you play around with keyword research tools, you will often come across an unlimited number of keywords with various combinations of words and synonyms. Prioritize them and use them on high quality content worth reading.


4. Compare your competitors.

Are there competitors or industry leaders you would like to surpass? Type their URL in Google Keyword Planner and you will see what keywords they are targeting.

Depending on the competitiveness of the keywords, you will have to make the decision to target the same keyword or a completely different keyword, in order to stay out of the competition. Use your competitors’ information to your advantage.



There was a time when you could write a blog post, and it would rank at the top of the search engines, generating a ton of free, organic traffic. That time is gone.

However, with the advent of modern research tools, the Internet is becoming a place of opportunity for those who know how to use them correctly.

If in doubt, please contact us! We specialize in SEO, UI & UX design, digital marketing, social media, development and illustration. Shall we talk?

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